Monday, January 2, 2017

Breakthrough ideas could be on the way, but from where?

If you are a person who has a habit of coming up with great ideas then this article is not for you.
For everyone else, here are pointers which have worked in past and present of the history of mankind.

From where breakthrough idea come from..

3) It comes later from simple notes you took down today: on your notepad or on a mobile, of something which got your attention momentarily but with a deep wow within. It could be about a problem, solution or just a picture of someone doing something.

2) It comes from chatting with new people coffee or a bar: but usually at a place which is not too upscale, a place where you are yourself.

4) It comes from spending lots of time in articulating a known challenge or a problem: and revising the problem statement many times around.

7) It comes from following your fascination.

5) It comes from purposely disconnecting from the “How will that be done but..” mindset.

6) It comes from talking to someone from the different domain, industry, education, geography, social status, gender.

10) It comes from visiting a new place; it could be just around the corner of your usual place.

8) It comes from switching off the gadgets.

9) It comes from listening in.

1) Lastly, and importantly, it comes from a belief that you can get a breakthrough idea!

It may not come by jumbling up the sequence numbering, or well it might!

You possibly cannot crowdsource breakthrough ideas, but you can get lot of help by running an idea competition.

Once you have a breakthrough idea, ideaken can help in getting the technologies you need to make your idea come to life.

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